About Zarozivar
Zarozivar Art Academy is a prestigious school for those interested in the world of gold and jewelry design. The academy offers various courses, workshops, and classes for students of all levels, from beginners to advanced. The website serves as a platform for showcasing the academy’s services and courses, as well as providing information about the instructors, admission requirements, and the latest news and events in the field of jewelry design.
Using a clean and modern design, I aimed to reflect the Academy’s dedication to excellence and quality on the website. The layout is simple and straightforward, making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need. The use of high-quality images and typography adds to the overall aesthetic of the site and reinforces the Academy’s reputation as a leader in gold and jewelry design education. Additionally, I made sure that the website is optimized for various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.